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ECVET goes Business

European Credit Transfer System
for Vocational Education and Training goes business

The aims of the ECVET goes Business project are to:

  • develop an approach, making ECVET and European transparency instruments relevant for regular human resource processes of companies,
  • therefore providing materials and information in a format and language, that human resource managers, shop stewards, business owners and fore workers can understand and use,
  • thereby increasing the demand for transparency instruments at company level as well as
  • broadening and mainstreaming the use of ECVET by focusing on the business world and at the same time
  • feeding the opinions and needs of companies into the discussion on the ECVET implementation.

Therefore, a handbook with language that is used by companies and in human resource theory, translating VET terminology and education theory into business terminology will be developed. Referring to classical human resource processes within companies, it will offer support and solutions where ECVET and transparency instruments can be used, embedding the tools to single identified human resource processes. As well, a short term and comprehensive training programme for the target groups on how to use ECVET and transparency instruments will be set up.

The main target groups of ECVET goes Business are

  • HR managers / HR staff of companies,
  • job/shop stewards,
  • supervisors,
  • line managers,
  • social partners and
  • wider stakeholders.


The steps that will be taken in order to achieve these are to

  • implement an introductory research study, as we want to develop products that meet the needs and requirements of all target groups,
  • develop a human resource handbook, taking into account the key processes of human resource management and offer support for the usage of the European Credit Transfer System of Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and transparency instruments by embedding specific tools and
  • set up a training programme for the target groups, providing practical access to the application of ECVET and transparency instruments within daily human resource management processes.



Within the project framework we will develop three main products, making them accessible to the general public.

Research Study

As the first output of the project, a research study is implemented in all partner countries, aiming at

  • finding out about the key human recourse processes in organisations and companies where ECVET and European transparency instruments can be embedded,
  • activating the target groups to raise interest in the project and it's outputs, at the same time engage them with the topics as well as
  • building a good background and basis for the development of the main products, meeting the needs and requirements of all target groups.


Human resource management handbook

As the core output of the ECVET goes Business project, this will be a comprehensive reference book for the target groups to support them in their daily human resource activities and tasks. Therefore, a focus is on

  • the language used in the handbook, translating VET terminology and education theory to a business terminology,
  • referring to the classical human resource processes within companies and organisations and
  • providing approaches where ECVET and transparency instruments can give support in general.

Training course for human resource staff

As the third core output of the project, a two day training course for human resource staff, basing on the research results and the developed content for the reference book, will be developed, offering

  • the chance for a face to face programme, including discussions about instruments, cases and possible solutions,
  • learning material especially developed and fitting in the
  • curriculum structure with learning unites and trainer guidelines.



Within the ECVET goes Business project duration two events are planned, serving all target groups.

Presentation of a European Research Study

This event is dedicated to the results of the introductory research study done within the ECVET goes Business project. Analysed data collected during the focus groups established in all seven partner countries will be presented and an outlook will be given on the conclusions drawn as a basis for the development of the human resource management handbook and the training course for human resource staff.

The event took place in spring 2016 in Slovenia.

Final Conference and Result Presentation

Presenting  the handbook for human resource management with ECVET and European transparency instruments as well as the ECVET goes Business Training Course for human resource staff, this conference will invite the target groups to get familiar with the two main products developed within the project, also taking this opportunity for discussion.

The event took place in autumn 2017 in Austria.

What is ECVET?

ECVET is the European Credit transfer System for Vocational Education and Training which aims to achieve

  • the transfer and recognition of individuals' learning outcomes,
  • a compatibility between the different vocational education and training (VET) systems and qualifications in Europe and thereby
  • supports mobility of European citizens, offering
  • complementary documents.


And why does it want to go business?

In order to become effective, the transfer and recognition of individuals' learning outcomes and the compatibility of different systems and qualifications needs to satisfy labour market demands.




ECVET Conference @
December 2017

ECVET Award 2018 Education
December 2018, Austria


Auxilium pro Regionibus Europae in Rebus Culturalibus (Coordinator)

Geidorfplatz 2
8010 Graz, Austria

TREBAG Szellemi Tulajdon - és Projektmenedzser Kft

2094 Nagykovácsi,
Kossuth Lajos u. 20., Hungary

Meath Partnership

Unit 7, Kells Business Park
Cavan Road, Kells, Co. Meath, Ireland

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije

Dimičeva ulica 13
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

ÖGB Steiermark

Karl-Morre-Straße 32
8020 Graz, Austria

Fondo Formacion Euskadi

Carretera San Vicente
48510 Trapagaran, Spain


Contrada Colle delle Api, 1,
86100 Campobasso
, Italy

Fachhochschule des Mittelstands

Ravensberger Straße 10 G,
33602 Bielefeld, Germany